Instinctive mark making
- If you could describe your art in three words what would they be?
Instinctive mark making.
- Tell us a bit about what brought you to where you are right now in your artistic career?
A solid belief in, and practice of resolving the conflicting dichotomy of the physical dimension and the unmanifest through artistic exploration and expression.
- Where do you mainly draw inspiration from?
Inspiration does enter the unconscious from everything all the time, but reaching states of truly inspired expression requires consistent practice. Inspiration happens in the moments of detachment from thought while in motion.
- Can you walk me through your creative process? How do you begin a new piece?
Layer upon layer are applied to each surface in varying states of suspended thought, allowing for intuitive experience to be guided by a universal conscious impulse. The resulting works represent the visual manifestations of instinctive human mark-making as they relate to every mark ever made by mankind, and thus, exist within the indefinable suchness of what is, as related to our current paradigm et al.
- When do you decide a piece is finished?
This decision is made when the impulse to further effect a work is less than the visually stimulated emotion and intellectual satisfaction perceived in viewing in.
- Any last parting words about you or advice for the next generation?
Be more courageous than sentimental. Fall in love with the process and not the finished picture. Trust that the invisible forces that govern everything will bring what is needed at the right moment.
August 29, 2024